Of course. It's incredibly obvious. They are extending more poison under the cover of humanitarian help with this move. I don't think any thinking person would doubt that.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Yes. Anyone with even half a brain and an ounce of moral goodness and decency will see through the cynical deception.

Thanks for chiming in, Kathleen!

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Glad you shared Vanessa B’s post. The terror the Zionist state of Israel has wrought on the children of Gaza and the Palestinian People is pure and simple EVIL. And now they want to give them Polio? WTF?

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Yes. Make that-- polio--and what else?

I could not believe how the horrible vax narrative now intersects with the real and ongoing genocide by Israel against Gazans. It's more twisted than anything that fiction writers can come up with.

If you read the thread Vanessa has posted below her tweet, she's also educating those who are still vax believers with the truth and facts about polio "vaxxes," too. I should steer people to those subposts of hers!

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