Aug 29Liked by An Observer (Teresa L)

I’m a big fan of Enya myself although it’s been quite some time since I’ve listened to this. One thing I feel certain about is that she’s q music star who isn’t a product of the Tavistock pop music machine that was thrust upon many of us hippies in the phenomenon called New Age Music. It was simply a Celtic soundscape with incredibly lovely electronic overtones. Are you familiar with Loreena McKennit? Somehow I suspect you are. Her music is a melting pot of so many genres and ages. Thanks for this Teresa 🙏

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Woohoo! Glad to meet another (& most worthy!) Enya fan! I agree with you re Tavistock thing- but it's hard to wrap one's mind about that program.

On the other hand, LSD was not an organically introduced drug (See Eye Ay), either.

Oh! Loreena McK? Of course! "Mummer's Dance" entranced me, too!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jeff!

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Aug 28Liked by An Observer (Teresa L)

Thank you! Brings back very fond memories, but also sadness for what is happening to the Irish people in their homeland. May they soon be liberated from the evil of the globalists.

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Indeed. Visited Ireland briefly almost a decade ago with Catholic friends - loved the place and the people. The amazing and beautiful (in its bleakness) "Land of Saints and Scholars" that sent so many Catholic priests to convert souls all over the world! That's not a mean feat!

So sad, their current state, under the thumb of the globalists. Let us just continue to pray for the renewal of the world in the light of Christ! (But first, there likely will be a Chastisement for all the sins we have committed, and hoping that wakes up many to a true conversion back to God.)

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by An Observer (Teresa L)

Thank you Teresa! These are exactly my thoughts. Our Lord is the only solution. There are no worldly solutions to worldly evil. In my soul I can only imagine many will return to Him in the years ahead. But first they will have to be humbled by great hardship.

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